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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dating Women - Starting Dating Women Or Men Again

Dating Women - Starting Dating Women Or Men Again

Author: Allan Tan

It's not always easy to start dating. It's particularly difficult if the ending of your last relationship was painful or if you were in a long-term relationship that ended. For divorcees, dating women or men again can be especially difficult at first. When it's time to start dating again, it's important to make sure that you're ready. The only way to do that is to prepare yourself and learn why the last dating relationship – or marriage – didn't work. Take Care of Yourself Before you start finding women you're interested in dating, you need to know you're ready. Give yourself the time you need to be ready to look for someone new. Rebounding will hurt you most of all. Sure, the women will be hurt, but you will be most of all. They'll know you rebounded, and you'll be left wondering why the dating relationship didn't work out. Figure Out What You Liked – And Didn't Like One of the worst things some men and women do themselves is they fall into the trap of dating the same type of person over and over again. People who have been in abusive relationships fall into this trap easier than most people, and continually date people who show the same outward signs of abuse. One way to stop this from happening is to evaluate your previous relationship. Consider: *How did your previous partner affect how you view relationships? *What are some things he did or said that you liked? *What aspects of her personality did you like – sense of humor, financially savvy – did you like? *What things about that person do you not want in another dating relationship? Was he an alcoholic? Was she abusive Abusive? Sexually demanding or uninterested in sex? Financially dependent on you or another family member? A cheater? Unorganized? Messy? What other things bothered you? *What have you learned from your last dating relationship? Get Involved Before you start dating, remember who you are, what you like and how you ended up where you are. Spend time with old friends or make some new ones by taking a class at a community college or community health center. Make sure you're not dating different women to fill the void left by your previous partner. The only way to do this is to recognize that you have a life and are a complete person apart from that individual. When you meet women you're interested in and might want to start dating, date out of mutual interest, not so she will make you feel less lonely or less sad. Deal With the Possibility of Rejection Chances are good that before you start dating women (or men) seriously again, you'll have some flops. That could mean a relationship that lasts just a few weeks or just a few months. It could mean a one-night stand. Yes, it might feel a little like high school, but you'll eventually get past that. Put the Past Behind You If you're ready to start dating women again, the thoughts about how you hate all men or all women won't surface. They're the same gender, not the same person. You can't judge all men or all women because of what happened in your last relationship. Not all men are cheaters. Not all women are cheaters. Not all men will take your money and leave you. Not all women will expect you to pay for everything. Remind yourself that this is a new relationship and a new you. As you go out there and get back into the wide world of dating, be yourself and know what you want. Try new things and meet new people. Give yourself a second chance. Date new women and meet new people. If it doesn't work, try again for however long it takes.

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About the Author:
Allan Tan is an experienced writer on seeking dating and relationships. He has been writing for many years and has had many articles published. Some of Allan's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals, mature daters, relationships, dating women , and matchmaking. Allan's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to begin dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

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